How you can help us
The greatest way anyone can help us is with their time! There are loads of ways you can help. You can come and talk to us about what sort of role might suit you and our group best, and any necessary training and support will be offered.
Leaders and assistants
- We are always in need of volunteers to help us with the young people at Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts.
- You don’t need to have any special skills, but we will gladly make use of any you do have!
- You can be an occasional helper if you can only help some weeks, or you can commit more often - what ever works for you 😃
Other roles
- We have a Trustee Board that is responsible for the governance of the charity – 2nd/9th Ruislip Scout Group is a charity registered with the Charity Commission - Charity number: 303729
- We would welcome new trustees who have time and skills to offer us.
- We also have other roles that can help the group and impact the lives of our young people – badge secretary, someone to look after our kit, people who can help with our new hut build…
When we have our new hut built, we will need to increase our group income to cover the running costs of the hut, and we will need to actively fundraise.
For now, we’d really appreciate it if you could support us by using Easy Fundraising when you are doing online shopping!
If you are interested in giving a donation to the group to help us subsidise the activities we put on for the young people of 2nd/9th Ruislip Scouts, or to help us with our new hut build, then please do get in touch using the contact form.